Tuition & Fees
Tuition: $8,136
Tuition covers the cost of your classes only; books and fees are additional. Tuition is charged per credit hour. The tuition listed is based on 15 credits per semester (for 2 semesters) with the practicum scholarship applied.
Site Fee: Varies by Site
The site fee covers expenses related to student development and classroom facilities. The site fee is charged at a flat rate per semester. The annual fee (2 semesters) is listed. Please visit your site’s partner’s page to view your site fee.
Technology Fee: $350
The technology fee covers the cost of facilitating online classes. This is a flat rate per year.
FAFSA Information
If you haven’t already filed the FAFSA, this is the first step. Additional documents are required as well. View more information here.
Financial Aid
Because SEU is a regionally accredited institution, its partnership with a church enables enrolled students to pay for their college experience using federal financial aid. To be eligible for such funding, the student must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, also known as a FAFSA (SEU’s school code is 001521), and maintain 12 credit hours each semester. In doing so, the student may be eligible for federal aid in the form of a Pell Grant, Federal Direct (student) loan, or Federal Parent PLUS loan.
As part of their studies, many students enroll in the Student Ministries Practicum course. The cost for this course is $0 and may be offset by either a practicum scholarship or a credit on the student’s account.
Florida Resident Federal Aid Programs
Florida Bright Futures
Awarded to Florida high school graduates who demonstrate high academic achievement. State of Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance determines eligibility. Contact your high school guidance counselor for more information. Amount: Per credit hour as established by the state
Florida EASE Grant (Formerly Florida Resident Access Grant or FRAG)
Tuition assistance for full-time, undergraduate Florida residents. Completed Student Information Sheet required. Contact SEU’s Office of Student Financial Services at sfs@seu.edu. Amount: Award varies as determined by the state
Florida Student Assistance Grant
A need-based grant for full-time, undergraduate Florida residents. Must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Priority deadline is April 15. Amount: Up to $1,200
Florida Prepaid
A student who is eligible for the Florida Prepaid program should receive a letter from Florida Prepaid, which will direct the student to complete a transfer form. The form must be submitted to Florida Prepaid in order to authorize Southeastern University to receive payments. Amount: Amounts vary based on program selected
A completed, accurate Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required for all state funding. Non-Florida residents should contact their respective institutions for state-based aid.
Third-Party Aid Sources
Third-party scholarships for students may also be available.
Scholarship Search Engines
The following sites are promising places to begin finding other kinds of scholarships and grants for which you might qualify:
Contact Info
General Questions: sitesupport@seu.edu
Academic Advising: advising@seu.edu
Financial Aid: sfs@seu.edu
Information Technology: helpdesk@seu.edu
Registrar: registrar@seu.edu
Online Learning Support (24/7): 1.800.985.9781